【開催終了】Episode 2 My Startup Dream & Team

Information exchange sessions for international students considering starting a business in Japan

Episode 2 welcomes five current and former international students.
Three who have already started companies will focus their talk on the lessons they have learnt
on how to create a successful startup team in Japan. Two students who plan to start a company
in the future will talk about their startup dream. Finally, there will be a short introduction of
the activities of the TONGALI Project and how this project can support international student entrepreneurship.

※ 本イベントは、愛知県・名古屋市・中部経済連合会・大学(Tongali)がタッグを組んでスタートアップを
 熱く応援する祭典「TOCKIN' NAGOYA」を構成するイベントのひとつです。

Event Information

February 23 (Wed), 2022 11:30 - 12:30

Venue Online / Zoom

Eligibility International and Japanese students, and everyone

Language Mainly English




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