School of Health and Sport Sciences - curriculum

Introduction to Sport Science

Sport Science combines many areas of scientific knowledge, including psychology, sociology, medicine, physics and more. This course provides learning related to the basics of sport science, methods of utilizing the knowledge in practice such as training, and methods of research that allows students to deepen their knowledge.

Anatomy and Physiology

This course is designed to provide students with essential knowledge of human anatomy and physiology relevant to human motor and sensory function. The structure and function of the following systems are addressed in the course: skeletal system, muscular system, and nervous system.

Principles of Physical Education and Sport

This course consist of two-fold focuses of (1) the fundamental concepts of PE (physical education), sport, play, and game through their derivation and history, and (2) helping students form their own philosophy of PE and sport through close examination of theories underlying actual issues related to modern PE and sport (concepts and goals of PE, doping, environment in sport, gender, media, judging, corporal punishment, fair play, etc.).

History of Physical Education and Sport

The course deals with the history of humanity's involvement in physical movement, Physical Education and sports in different ages, regions and societies. Firstly, the course begins with a look at how games developed into modern sports, and the role of sport instructors in each period. The course then examines how Physical Education was established as a subject of education, and how it has changed according to the needs of the times and the societies.


"Biomechanics" provides a means to deepen the understanding of the mechanisms of human movement. The area is related to many other fields of study, including dynamics, anatomy and exercise physiology. In sports, it is expected that biomechanics will assist in improving skills and preventing injuries. The basics of biomechanics are studied through many cases related to sports and exercises.

Exercise and Sport Psychology

Doing sports is a human behavior that involves diverse psychological factors, including motivation, learning, development, personalities, group dynamics and social environment. This course broadly examines how these factors affect sport-related behaviors and helps students to deepen their fundamental understanding of the relationship between sports and psychological factors. The course includes discussion on special realms that are useful in practicing and teaching sports.

Introduction to Health Study

The course mainly examines lifestyle-related diseases and health in modern society through the study of (1) the basis of health and illness, and (2) the medical aspects of major lifestyle-related diseases, and prevention and treatment of such diseases through exercise. The course then examines (3) the associations among health, scientific technology and socioeconomic factors. The advancement of scientific technology has had the greatest impact on current health issues through changes of society and economy. The lecture will include specific cases showing the interrelationship among health and those factors beyond lifestyle-related diseases.

Theory of Lifelong Sport

This course examines the historical and social backgrounds that encourage the practice of lifelong sports. Specific measures in and outside of Japan and diverse community projects aimed at promoting lifelong sport activities, and their current trends are discussed.

Exercise and Sport Physiology

Exercise and sport physiology seeks to clarify the body's physiological response and adaptation to exercise or physical training. This course especially focuses on physiological adaptation to exercise and training by the body's motor, nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The course provides basic knowledge on exercise and sport physiology, knowledge required for sport players, coaches and PE teachers.

Training Exercises

Training, simple as it may seem, involves diverse theories and methods, with unlimited combinations of intensity and time depending on the objectives and subjects. The course provides basic theory that can be applied to the development of practical training for specialized sports in school physical education.

Basic Exercises of Recreation

Students are introduced to recreation with a keynote on "gathering" for "play," "dancing" and "indoor games," and given the opportunity for firsthand experience.

Safety Education

This course examines the concept of "safety" from multiple perspectives, including the cause of possible accidents and injuries in diverse situations to help students learn the knowledge and behavior necessary to prevent accidents and promote safety.

Sport Sociology

Sport Sociology examines the concept of sports from diverse perspectives related to the individuals and society. In this course, sports are examined in a wide range of social and cultural context. Students will develop an understanding of the meaning of sports as well as their social role through the relationship between the individual and society (group).

Sport Management

Sport management seeks to comprehensively probe conditions related to the promotion of sport activities and to organize such conditions. In this course a focus is placed on the management and business aspect of such activities to examine effective and efficient delivery of sport services. Students will develop an understanding of the role of management for various sporting settings.

Sports Nutrition

Sports Nutrition is defined as 1) "the study of nutrition to improve competitive performance in competitive sports," and 2) "the sciences of nutrition for the prevention and treatment of illness and the enhancement of health in health-promotion sports." There is no specific nutrient that improves competitive performance or specific food that enhances health, therefore it is important to take the nutrients suited for each purpose.

School Health

School health is a field of study involving health education and health management at schools. The subject deals with the roles of health-related personnel at schools, methods of organization and management, as well as health problems among children, healthy living activities, stress management, school safety and first aid.

Physical Education Teaching Methods

Physical Education is a fun and interesting subject that enjoys popularity among students. However, few students are ever heard to refer to it as a great learning experience or something that is useful for life. This course aims to help students design lessons that foster the ability to do and enjoy lifelong exercise and sports in the student they teach. In preparation for teaching practice, students will seek solutions to issues existing in modern society and school education while focusing attention on each child.

Health Science Teaching Methods

The Health Science Teaching Methods course deals with the teaching skills which are required to provide Health Science lessons and knowledge and skills related to the examination of teaching tools and lesson plans. Assignments include newspaper clipping notes and reports, as well as the teaching of trial lessons. Lectures are aimed at preparing students for student teaching and instilling them with the proper mental attitude.

Theory of Growth and Aging

Children are not miniature adults, but independent beings in a stage of constant growth. Aging is a part of life that can not be avoided. It is desirable to go through each stage of good growth, lead a healthy and fulfilling life and then reach old age.
Dynamic changes in our minds and bodies continue throughout our lives; and while these changes may be disconcerting a little, prior knowledge about them helps us to go through them with a positive attitude.
The course examines life from birth to old age from various angles.

Science of Equipment and Facilities for Sports

The course begins with a study of the science of equipment and facilities needed to bring out desired effect of exercise in a safe manner. Following this is an examination of equipment and facilities suitable for the enhancement of health and physical fitness, knowledge related to management methods and practice methods.

Theory of Martial Arts

Martial arts originated from the ancient Japan martial spirit. They are part of a traditional culture that began as skills for warriors and developed into an art over a long history of adapting to changing society. The unique features of the martial arts have been passed down to modern day society and play an important role in character formation. This course helps students living in the age with pronounced diversity in value to understand the real significance of martial arts through the study of their valuable history and their existence in the modern age.

First Aid Methods

Students will acquire knowledge and skills needed to respond to accidents in daily life, basic first aid, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, AED use, control of bleeding, the use of bandages, immobilization of fractured bones, transporting injured individuals, and the rules to remember when disaster hits.

Sport Education

The course aims first to help students to gain a deeper understanding of the social function of sports based on Olympism and the concept of Sports for All. Secondly, students will examine sport education models and actual cases taken from other countries to understand how the social functions of sports are understood and promoted.

Health Education

The objectives of Health Education are not merely the provision of knowledge related to illness prevention, health maintenance and promotion, but to embed "behavior modification" that allows individuals to actually take health-enhancing actions. It also encourages and supports "a rich life where one can be oneself." This course examines the thinking and values of health required for individuals providing health education to students from diverse background, past trends and future directions of health education, and methods of supporting behavior modification, and the methods for planning and evaluation of health education.

Evaluation of Sport Performance

The course examines training programs, and performance evaluation indices and methods of various sports through the observation and evaluation of training and competitive events in university-level sport club activities.

Methods of Gymnastics Practice Instruction

Students preparing to become PE teachers learn needed methods for practice instruction.

Preliminary course for practice teaching

In cooperation with elementary, junior and senior high schools near the university, students participate (observe, join) in health and physical education lessons and sport club activities to develop instruction skills as teachers.

Sport Career Design

The course offers students the opportunity to consider how to utilize skills and experience obtained at the university as well as how to link them to their life where they can be themselves.

Sport Performance Practice I~VIII

Students taking this course select a specialized event (sporting event) and, while exercising to achieve the best performance possible in the chosen sports, they plan, execute, reflect on and analyze the achievement of goal to improve performance.

Theory of Coaching

The course provides lectures on coaching attitude, the management of players and teams, coaching and support system for improved competitiveness in domestic and international tournaments.

Coaching Science

The course examines the process coaches use to bring out the potential possessed by players, helps students acquire the knowledge required to perform appropriate coaching, and the methods of actual coaching.

Training Theory A

This course examines the mechanism of the three levels of strength (low, middle and high power) and training methods to develop these strengths, and how people adapt to training in light of scientific understanding to put such knowledge into practice.

Training Theory B

Based on the understanding of the concepts and basic theories of mental training for sport competition, this course focuses on psychological skills training, its scientific basis, and examines issues related to training and evaluation methods.

Theory of Sport Industry

This course considers the features of the sport industry as well as measures and policies, and sport organizations to examine sports as a social system and as an industry. Students deepen their understanding of the features and roles of the sport industry and how sports developed into business.

Theory of Sport Marketing

Based on the features of sports, the main objective of this course is to give students an understanding of the fundamental thinking and activities related to marketing in sports. Students will examine significant developments in the industry, and problems and challenges involving sports business.

Sport Law

This course provides students the basic legal knowledge and the understanding the role of sports in the society through the examination of various sports-related issues that have arisen in recent years.

Coaching Practice

Students learn wide-ranging knowledge (growth development, medicine, coaching methods, theory of instructors, etc.) and methods of instruction that ensure all children enjoy and have positive attitude toward sports. Students are also given the opportunity for firsthand coaching experience.

Case Studies of Sport Management

In this course, students visit sport facilities, baseball and other sport team organizations, sporting goods manufacturers, distributors, agents and trainers in the USA (mostly in California and Arizona), where the sport business is more prominent, to deepen their understanding of the sport business and its trends.

Coaching Practice I~IV

Coaching Practice I~IV are practical courses for students who have learned about competitive sport coaching principles in the Competitive Sport Science Program. Students in this course practice coaching elementary students, junior and senior high students and/or adults. Coaching experience in this course is the first step to become a good coach in the future.

Hygiene and Public Health

Hygiene and Public Health is practical scientific bases useful to the maintenance of human health. This course examines how the social structure of Japan assists in improving health.

Sport Medicine

Minimum medical knowledge is indispensable for both sport enthusiasts, who seek to enjoy sports in their daily lives, and coaches who are responsible for preventing accidents and injuries in the course of fostering outstanding players.
This course helps sport lovers and coaches acquire necessary medical knowledge.

Health Checkup Practice

This course examines exercise methods beginning with the creation of fitness conditioning programs. It also aims to help students acquire the medical knowledge necessary to execute appropriate fitness training, and learn about specific programs and methods through firsthand experience. Specific course content consists of (1) understanding the analytical structure of human organs closely interlinked with motor movement, (2) firsthand experience in methods used to check physical status, such as blood pressure, respiratory function, bodily measurement, and amount of physical exertion, and (3) firsthand experience in medical diagnostics that directly link to fitness conditioning, including resting and exercise electrocardiogram, and basic understanding of what can be learned from such testing.

Introduction to Athletic Training

This course includes the following content (1) ~ (5):

  1. Historical background and athletic training systems.
  2. Specific tasks of the athletic trainer.
  3. Cooperation system with other specialist staff.
  4. Management and control of organizations.
  5. Public order and a code of ethics for trainers in the medical field.

Principles of emergency first aid

Students acquire an understanding of the importance of first aid, essential tips for first aid providers, assessment of injured and sick people, basic first aid and preventive methods, and collaboration with external institutes. The course also discusses the preparation of response plans and systems during emergency situations.

Theory of Sport for the Disabled

This course helps students understand the current status of sports for the disabled, examine potentials and possibilities of sports in itself and seek the direction of sports for the 21st century.

Recreation Coaching

This course is one of the approved courses for "certification as a recreation coach" (recreation instructor and recreation coordinator).
Students consider, propose and plan "play," "dance" and "indoor games," provide instruction based on the plan, and are evaluated on their performance, which they can apply to general coaching. This course includes lectures, practical skill lessons and practice.

Health Exercise Practice

The course helps students grasp the theory of aerobics exercise and methods of instruction. Aerobic exercise falls into three major categories: aerobic dance, jogging and walking, and aqua aerobics. Students gain an understanding of the features and effects of these types of exercise, enjoy exercise themselves, and improve their instruction skills. Various exercise methods are also introduced in the course.