School of Letters

Medium of instruction: Japanese
Language requirement: N2 level in Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)
Location: Nagoya campus

Overview of the School of Letters

The Department of History and Culture uses historical facts that are based on the findings from fieldwork activities and other ventures to establish new views of our history.
The Department of Japanese Literature pursues the depth and potential of literature while focusing on the concept of "Japanese literature as part of world literature."
The Department of Linguistic Expressions aims to develop professionals who make use of their competence in the Japanese language and communication skills to play an active role in society.
The coordination across the School of Letters allows students to take courses offered by any department.
This system helps students gain broader and deeper knowledge according to their individual needs.

Features of the School of Letters

Department of History and Culture

The basic subjects of this program cover summaries of all periods of Japanese history, from ancient to modern times. The core subjects comprise advanced lectures on each period, ideological history, and folklore, inspiring students to possess profound knowledge of, and interest in, histories and cultures.
With an emphasis on fieldwork-based experiences and discoveries, we engage in full-scale survey activities. Group work and other associated activities encourage students to have proper attitudes toward, and perspectives on, hidden historical facts in local communities.
We particularly focus on education as a tool with which to strengthen the ability to competently read historical materials. Students handle and read actual ancient documents and old records, ensuring that they are fully equipped to read historical materials that serve as the foundation for history surveys.

Department of Japanese Literature

Our full-time faculty members teach history, from ancient to modern times, according to their specialisms. They give students broader and deeper knowledge of the history of Japanese literature.
First-year students learn variegated, comprehensive literature from ancient to modern times, while second-year students select several periods and fields to study. In a phased manner, third- and fourth-year students are then engaged in examining and studying, from their own perspectives, literary works from the periods and fields in which they are interested.
This program also emphasizes kabuki and other theatrical plays as well as fieldwork on the sites that provide the settings for literary works. This helps students to understand Japanese literature in a multilayered and multifaceted manner.

Department of Linguistic Expressions

This program is intended to hone proper techniques of listening, reading, writing, and speaking in the Japanese language and to develop the ability of students to express, create, and convey their thoughts and ideas in an accurate way.
In addition to full-time faculty members in their academic disciplines, we also have instructors leading the field in linguistic expression, including active announcers, scriptwriters, and chirographers.
We aim to develop professionals capable of fully utilizing their accurate Japanese communication skills. Possible careers include becoming copywriters, journalists, and editors, as well as professionals who play an active role in various sectors of private companies.

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