School of Law

Medium of instruction: Japanese
Language requirement: N2 level in Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)
Location: Nagoya campus

Overview of the School of Law

To cultivate the practical skills of students for the sake of their future careers, we will start the Forefront Study Program (Lectures and Seminars), which incorporates the latest legal research findings into the course curriculum.
The practical program "Legal Practice Program (LPP)" for selected students is taught by instructors working as professional practitioners.
Our highly flexible curriculum, which can be tailored to their career plans and the small-group seminars, gives the students detailed instructions and enhances their capacity.
Our School of Law boasts a high percentage of students who have passed, upon graduation, highly competitive national civil service examinations (management track position, non-management track position, national tax specialists, etc.) thanks to the Qualification Center.

Features of the School of Law

Department of Law

Basic Legal Education Tailored to the Career Plans of Students

For those who aspire to become civil servants or judicial scriveners or go on to law school

Students are fully engaged in legal studies that are mainly based on the Six Codes of Japan (Constitution, Civil Code, Criminal Code, Commercial Code, Code of Civil Procedure, and Code of Criminal Procedure), giving them advanced legal knowledge and insight.

Engaged in the Latest Legal Studies to Cultivate Practical Skills to Meet Social Needs and Job-Market Expectations

Forefront Study Program

- Forefront Study Lecture
The lectures focus on the findings of the latest legal research activities by universities. To develop solutions for possible problems, students clarify contemporary challenges and issues in modern society and learn legal approaches, thereby honing their practical skills to meet various needs of society.
[Example Lecture Themes]
Social enlightenment of Consumer Law / latest cases of Intellectual Property Law / Archives, and so forth

- Forefront Study Seminar
The small-group seminars hold in-depth discussions on advanced research themes not covered in regular seminar subjects. Students are provided with opportunities to experience surveys, analysis, group work, and presentations in order to enhance their general social competence for the sake of their future careers.
[Example Seminar Themes]
Philosophy of Law and modern society / Comparison of Administrative Procedures between Japan and China, and so forth

For those who aspire to work with private companies or take over or start a business

To obtain profound knowledge and insight necessary to conduct business, students mainly learn the Companies Act, the Securities and Exchange Act, Economic Law, and other laws relevant to business activities.

Professional practitioners on the frontlines give lectures on the engagement in actual legal services

Legal Practice Program (LLP)

For selected students, a legal education program, where they can exercise their legal knowledge and insights in mock legal situations, is available. We offer leading-edge lectures designed to develop solutions for various issues in modern society, in cooperation with professional practitioners (national civil servants, local public officials, lawyers, staff members from NGOs/NPOs, etc.).
[Example Lecture Themes]
Administrative practice and Law / Theories of Japan's Refugee Recognition System, and so forth

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