• CUIE SeminarJune 3, 2024
    • Conditions for emergence and stability of voluntary emission reduction with Eco-industry
  • Chul-hi Park(Chonnam National University)
  • 16:40-18:10
  • Staff Meeting Room (4th floor of build. #14)
  • CUIE SeminarMarch 16, 2024
    • TBA
  • Akihiko Yanase(Nagoya University)
  • 16:20-17:00
  • Yamate Hall in Central Building 2F , Chukyo University
  • CUIE SeminarMarch 16, 2024
    • Determinants of International Conference Venues in Japanese Prefectures
  • Kiyoshi Matsubara(Nihon University)
  • 15:30-16:10
  • Yamate Hall in Central Building 2F , Chukyo University
  • CUIE SeminarMarch 15, 2024
    • FY2023 Special Seminar of Institute of Economics
  • 13:00-18:10
  • Yamate Hall in Central Building 2F , Chukyo University
  • CUIE SeminarDecember 8, 2023
    • The impact of technological decoupling between the United States and China
  • Naoto Jinji(Kyoto University)
  • 16:40-18:10
  • Staff Meeting Room (4th floor of build. #14)
  • CUIE SeminarAugust 8, 2023
    • 公的機関の効率性評価に関連して
  • Mototsugu Fukushige(Osaka University)
  • 16:40-18:10
  • Staff Meeting Room (4th floor of build. #14)
  • CUIE SeminarJuly 21, 2023
    • 最適特許期間の動学的一般均衡分析
  • Tatsuro Iwaisako(Osaka University)
  • 16:40-18:10
  • Staff Meeting Room (4th floor of build. #14)
  • CUIE SeminarJuly 22, 2023
    • Evaluation for decentralization of Japanese long-term care policy using staggered DID
  • Shinya Sugawara(Tokyo University of Science)
  • 16:00-17:30
  • Staff Meeting Room (4th floor of build. #14)
  • CUIE SeminarApril 26, 2023
    • Business Tax Reforms, Management Delegation, and Growth
  • Maurizio IACOPETTA (SKEMA Business School, France)
  • 17:00-18:30
  • Staff Meeting Room (5th floor of build. #3)